konboot - Verdens beste hjelpemiddel for å å gjenopprette passord (Windows / macOS).


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Hva er Kon-Boot?

Kon-Boot er det unike digitale verktøyet som kan omgå Windows og macOS passord. Selv om du har glemt passordet, kan du logge inn på systemet hvis du bruker Kon-boot. Husker du ikke passordet ditt? Det er ingen problem.

(tags: glemt Vista passord, windows windows passord, windows 10 passord glemt, hvordan tilbakestille windows passord, mac passord)

Kjøp Kon-Boot for Windows

Ved å kjøpe våre produkter godtar du vilkårene som er listet på denne hjemmesiden

USB pendrive (recommended 16GB), Internet, Windows OS Kon-boot can be only installed by using the original installer. One kon-boot license permits the user to install kon-boot on only one USB pendrive.

Not supported: Disk encryption, tablets (includes Microsoft Surface hybrid), enabled SecureBoot , multiple operating systems installed on target computer, kernel debuggers, enabled secure boot, enabled virtualization (VMware, QEMU, VirtualBox, etc.), authorization through domain. CD and Floppy versions are deprecated (but still in the package for compatibility reasons).  

All system requirements together with FAQ are available in our online guide.
  • All Windows systems starting from Windows XP to Windows 11
  • Microsoft Windows 11 all versions (UEFI, 64Bit - required by Windows 11)
  • Microsoft Windows 10 all versions (32Bit/64Bit -- includes live/online password bypass)
  • Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 all versions (32Bit/64Bit -- includes live/online password bypass)
  • Microsoft Windows 7 all versions 32Bit/64Bit
  • Microsoft Windows Vista all Version 32Bit/64Bit
  • Microsoft Windows XP all versions
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 all versions 32Bit/64Bit
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 all versions 32Bit/64Bit
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 all Versions 32Bit/64Bit
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016 all versions 32Bit/64Bit
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019 all versions 32Bit/64Bit
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2022 all versions 64Bit
Disk encryption is not supported (ie. Bitlocker). On Windows 10 / Windows 11 (personal licenses) only local account authorization bypass is available (with possibility to add new administrator account automatically (USB only)). Commercial licenses allow Windows 10 / Windows 11 online password bypass (UEFI only).
* Perpetual Personlig lisenss include 1 month of support and 6 months of free updates. A perpetual personal license can be used only by the named person who purchased it. License transfer and concurrent usage are prohibited. Personal licenses purchased by organizations and business entities are invalid. Personal licenses can be used solely for non-commercial purposes. We don't provide invoices for personal licenses. If you are the only person planning to use the license, then the Personlig lisens is the best choice for you. You are also not allowed to use kon-boot on computers which are not your property. ** Perpetual Kommersiell lisenss are available to a developer within a a company or organization, requiring the software for general commercial use. They include 6 months support and 1 year of free updates. Kommersiell lisenss registered to a legal entity allow for use of the software on any computer, operating system, and by the registered user within the legal entity. The provided total number of concurrent users cannot exceed the number of purchased licenses. Please note: One kon-boot license permits the user to install kon-boot on only one USB pendrive. In other words one license can be used to activate one USB pendrive only (you cannot use the same license to activate different USB pendrive). Software will be only available for download during free support period so please store it in secure location.

Refund policy: You have 7 days to submit a refund request starting from the day of your purchase. If kon-boot worked on at least one of your machines you are not qualified for refund. Not meeting system requirements cases will not be refunded. In order to get a refund you will need to provide a video demonstrating your problems with kon-boot (specifically booting target system with kon-boot media). Refund requests without proof of not working (video recording) will not be accepted. Due to numerous cases of scam/extortion cases "accidental" purchases will not be refunded. Ignoring the system requirements is also not qualified for refund. Please purchase wisely!

Kon-Boot for Windows Personlig lisens


LISENS sendes til e-postadressen oppført i PayPal kontoen .
Støttede operativsystemer:
Windows XP to Windows 11
Omgåing av Windows 10 Lokale passord:
Omgåing av Windows 10 Online-passord:
Mulighet for å opprette en lokal :
USB, CD (older version only)
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Kon-Boot for Windows Kommersiell lisens


LISENS sendes til e-postadressen oppført i PayPal kontoen
Støttede operativsystemer:
Windows XP to Windows 11
Omgåing av Windows 10 Lokale passord:
Omgåing av Windows 10 Online-passord:
Mulighet for å opprette en lokal :
USB, CD (older version only)
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Kjøp Kon-Boot for macOS

Ved å kjøpe våre produkter godtar du vilkårene som er listet på denne hjemmesiden

Apple Mac hardware with Intel 64-bit compatible processor, USB pendrive (recommended 16GB). Apple OS X and Internet connection is required for the installation. One kon-boot license permits the user to install kon-boot on only one USB pendrive.

Not supported: M1 Macs, Disk encryption (FileVault etc.), virtualized machines, hackintoshes, kernel debuggers, 3rd party kon-boot loaders and others. Apple machines with T2 chip (2018 and newer) are not supported unless (SecureBoot is disabled and booting from external media is enabled).

All system requirements listed here: online guide.
  • macOS 15 Sequoia (NEW)
  • macOS 14 Sonoma
  • macOS Ventura
  • macOS Monterey 12
  • macOS Big Sur OSX 10.16
  • macOS Catalina OSX 10.15
  • macOS Mojave OSX 10.14.1-10.14.6
  • macOS High Sierra OSX 10.13
  • macOS Sierra OSX 10.12
  • OSX 10.11
  • OSX 10.10
  • OSX 10.9
  • OSX 10.8
  • OSX 10.7
  • OSX 10.6 (experimental)

Kon-Boot for macOS Personlig lisens


LISENS sendes til e-postadressen oppført i PayPal kontoen
Støttede operativsystemer:
OSX 10.6 to macOS Monterey 12
Omgåing av passord (å logge inn uten passord):
Ny kontomodus:
USB (<=16GB), CD (older version only)
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Kon-Boot for macOS Kommersiell lisens


LISENS sendes til e-postadressen oppført i PayPal kontoen
Støttede operativsystemer:
OSX 10.6 to macOS Monterey 12
Omgåing av passord (å logge inn uten passord):
Ny kontomodus:
USB (<=16GB), CD (older version only)
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 Kjøp Kon-Boot 2in1 (+)

Ved å kjøpe våre produkter godtar du vilkårene som er listet på denne hjemmesiden

Kon-Boot 2in1 can be only installed on USB thumb drive (there is no .ISO in the package). Windows and Internet is required for the installation. Other requirements were presented above (in the Kon-Boot for Windows and Kon-Boot for Mac OSX sections).
Supported operating systems were presented above in the Kon-Boot for Windows and Kon-Boot for Mac OSX sections.

Kon-Boot 2in1 Personlig lisens


LISENS sendes til e-postadressen oppført i PayPal kontoen
Inneholder personlig Windows- og macOS-lisens funksjonalitet:
Inneholder kommersiell Windows- og macOS-lisens funksjonalitet:
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Kon-Boot 2in1 Kommersiell lisens


LISENS sendes til e-postadressen oppført i PayPal kontoen
Inneholder personlig Windows- og macOS-lisens funksjonalitet:
Inneholder kommersiell Windows- og macOS-lisens funksjonalitet:
buy now mac password tool commercial license - kon-boot for windows and mac

Viktige forskjeller

I motsetning til andre løsninger som modifiserer og potensielt usikkert overskriver lagringsfiler for Windows-passord (WinPassKey, PassMoz LabWin, iSeePassword, PCUnlocker) KON-BOOT ENDRE IKKE Windows-filer slik de nevnte løsningene gjør. Det er dette som gjør det unikt og mye tryggere å bruke.

  • Kon-Boot omgår passord uten permanente modifikasjoner (hvis du ikke vil ha noen modifikasjoner) *
  • Kon-Boot fungerer med både Windows og macOS-systemer *
  • Kon-Boot er den første og eneste verdenskjente løsningen for å omgå Windows 10 online-passord *
  • Kon-Boot er på markedet siden 2008

* avhengig av lisens

Kjøp nå
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Hvis du er et selskap, en organisasjon eller bare trenger en tilpasset ordre, kontakt oss (e-post:

Vi har levert Kon-Boot til militært personell, rettshåndhevelse, IT-selskaper og fagpersoner, kriminaltekniske eksperter og andre. Gode RABATTER venter! (kun på engelsk).
